One of the predominant areas that need to be primarily fostered is teacher education. The teacher factor plays a decisive role in learning, development, and monitoring of learners’ attainments. Despite some recent innovations and improvements in the delivery of teacher education in Azerbaijan, there are still apparent shortages in in-service teacher training programs. Teachers lack skills in stimulating learners’ thinking and reasoning abilities. Having in-depth knowledge in subject matter is not sufficient, it is equally essential that teachers are able to apply alternative teaching and learning approaches, especially those focusing on student-centered and active learning methodologies. The quality of teacher education depends on how well teachers are prepared to practice a much wider variety of innovative teaching and assessment tools in their day-to-day classrooms. Due to that reason ADA University proposed “Bir Müəllimin Manifesti” program for in-service teachers and principals from regions. Program was held both distant and face-to face settings. Face-to face phase of the program was organized in the Qazakh branch of Baku State University, ADA University, and the Washington Center of ADA University. Below mentioned courses were taught during the program: 1. Contemporary issues of effective teaching (f2f and online) 2. Research methods and Applied Research (f2f and online) 3. Teacher Leadership (f2f and online) 4. Academic Writing (f2f and online) 5. English (online) Those courses were taught in the beginning of October, November, December, February and March in offline settings. The rest of the course was taught through “Blackboard”. The program was held by leading professors and teachers of ADA University. Washington program — the part of the program was held in the USA which was designed for 10 weeks. During this period, program participants participated in seminars, lectures and conferences organized at the Washington Center of ADA University,went to various local schools, colleges and universities, participated in events held in Washington, visited museums and cultural monuments, improved their English and learned about the current US education system.