Unquestionably, means of transport is the crucial matter among all the nations. Besides, these
transports are essential for the development of economic, social, and urban planning. In
developing countries, especially the nations where the number of traditional vehicles is plenty,
they are trying to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide, and
diminish the dependence on fossil fuels such as coal, petrol, and natural gas. The paramount
moral of the usage of energy sources among people is also increasing every day, and renewable
energy sources are getting more appealing. In that light, actions in the energy sector lead to
achievements in the automotive industry as people are attempting to find a better means of
transport with sufficient energy efficiency and low emissions.
Around the globe, electric vehicles are believed as a blueprint to oppose the harmful
consequences of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, and they have immeasurable traditional
features. Various cities in the world, which display remarkably excellent practices for
supporting electric vehicles with the help of different mechanisms, act as prototypes for other
cities. In that respect, those cities are able to increase the speed of the electrification process
around the world. Especially capitals play an important role in creating and testing current
policies and laws to adopt eco-friendly vehicles in the country effectively.
The capital of Azerbaijan - Baku, is one of those centers globally striving to adopt electric
vehicles. In this research project, barriers towards the overall adoption process are examined
with extant literature, and findings are acquired from both conducted interviews and conducted
an online survey.
The outcomes from this study show that for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, there
are mainly five barrier groups and roughly eight barriers that were most highlighted issues by
interviewees, including: “The value of the Vehicle,” “Tax,” “Lack of Charging Stations,” “Poor
electricity network,” “Limited Knowledge,” “Maintenace and Services for Electric Vehicles.”
It is important to note that only one barrier, particularly “Advertisement,” was introduced as a
necessary factor by the respondents that did not appear from the literature study. In addition,
two support mechanisms were offered during the extant literature analysis but were rejected by
the respondents, including subsidy and increasing the tax for traditional gasoline-powered
The master thesis done by the researcher attempts to add valuable findings to the literature on
the transportation sector, particularly to the insignificant literature database in Azerbaijan. In
addition, the project may construct a solid base, and it can be the source of different studies in
the future. Investors, who are willing to invest in more sustainable urban transport in
Azerbaijan, can also benefit from that study in order to identify the barriers beforehand.