Natural gas is frequently introduced as a “transitional fuel”. Because burning natural gas
emits less carbon dioxide emissions than burning either oil or coal. Additionally, the inter mittent nature of low-carbon electricity ...
This study firstly analyzes the impact of energy intensities and
income on CO2 emissions in Russia, applying different estimation
methods to the data period from 1990 to 2020. In addition, the
study forecasts CO2 emissions ...
This study researches the impact of international remittances on poverty
reduction in six former Soviet Union countries. The countries where personal inter national remittances are equal to more than 5% of GDP and rents ...
Estimations show that approximately US $23 billion is required for
Georgia to meet its climate and environmental targets up to 2030. As the current
Nationally Determined Contribution reveals, considering 1990 as a base ...
We study two-sided matching where one side (colleges) can make monetary transfers (offer stipends) to the other (students). Colleges have fixed budgets and strict
preferences over sets of students. One different feature ...
The article is devoted to the investigation of speech recognition in Flight Simulator
cockpit. We have done research and developed software for speech recognition in Flight
Simulator with limited vocabulary in C# from ...
Identification of subjective data from web documents having
opinions within are gaining incrementing interest. Opinions
are often views formed by individuals about their sentiments,
appraisals, or feelings, etc., not ...
Azerbaijan signed the Paris Agreement in 2016 and committed to cut greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 35% in 2030. Meanwhile, natural gas has been vital component in the total energy
mix of Azerbaijan economy and accounted ...
Prior literature has shown that corporate transparency is linked to a firm’s competitiveness. The
frequently noted vagueness and inadequacy of reported risk disclosures have been accompanied
by calls for industry-specific ...
This paper examines the relationship between life satisfaction (measured as the self-reported satisfaction of each individual with their past life and goal achievements) and tax morale
(measured as the likelihood of an ...
Farooq, Omar; Bakhadirov, Mukhammadfoik; Ahmed, Neveen(Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2020)
The main aim of this research is to document the relationship between geographical
variations in the religiosity levels and the dividend policies adopted by firms. Using the data
provided by the Gallup International, ...
In the paper the Mamdani-Type Fuzzy inference method is applied for the expert evaluation of the impact of the tax legislation
reforms on the tax potential. The model being investigated includes 4 inputs, 8 IF-THEN rules ...
Aliu, Florin; Nadirov, Orkhan; Nuhiu, Artor(Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2021)
Stock markets stand as a financial mechanism that provides liquidity for firms and offers
diversification benefits for investors. Stock markets in the Eastern European countries are weak-form efficient which exposes them ...
In this paper, various methodologies of acoustic and language models, as well as labeling
methods for automatic speech recognition for spoken dialogues in emergency call centers were
investigated and comparatively analyzed. ...
Rapid increase in conversational AI and user chat data lead to intensive development
of dialogue management systems (DMS) for various industries. Yet, for low-resource languages,
such as Azerbaijani, very little research ...
This study concentrates on the investigation, development, and evaluation of Text-to-Speech Synthesis systems based on Deep Learning models for the Azerbaijani Language. We have
selected and compared state-of-the-art ...
Rustamov, Samir; Mustafayev, Elshan; Clements, Mark A.(De Gruyter, 2018)
The context analysis of customer requests in a
natural language call routing problem is investigated in
the paper. One of the most significant problems in natural
language call routing is a comprehension of client ...
This paper examines the effectiveness of implementing carbon taxes to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions from transport. Using the system Generalized Method of Moments estimator,
we utilize cross-country analysis for the ...
Mammadova, Lala; Valiyev, Anar(Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 2020)
This study explores the progress of the 14-year old Bologna
reform in major Azerbaijani public universities. The focus of
the study was to investigate the level of student involvement
in the transformation process ...
Being one of the most linguistically rich languages, Azerbaijani has been researched
less in the context of natural language processing area. The text corpus created from Azerbaijani
news articles is designed to apply ...